
2 Best Car Insurance After a DUI: How to Find the Best

2 Best Car Insurance After a DUI: How to Find the Best

2 Best Car Insurance After a DUI: How to Find the Best

Getting convicted for driving under the influence (DUI) is a grave offense with significant repercussions. Expect your auto insurance premiums to soar, possibly by hundreds of dollars. Moreover, you risk facing fines, imprisonment, or even losing your driving privileges altogether.

The top car insurance companies for DUI offenders offer competitive annual rates, assist with SR-22 filings if required, and provide various payment options and opportunities to save money.


Best Car Insurance Options After a DUI


USAA is renowned for offering some of the most affordable rates across a broad spectrum of consumers with diverse coverage needs, including those seeking car insurance after a DUI. Our data reveals that USAA’s annual rates for DUI drivers are over $700 lower than the national average. Additionally, the company excels in customer service and boasts high client loyalty ratings, crucial for DUI offenders navigating coverage adjustments or SR-22 filings.
However, USAA lacks a widespread network of local agent offices, which might deter customers preferring face-to-face interactions.


Specializing in high-risk drivers such as those with DUI records, Dairyland offers flexible premium payment options. Customers can opt for upfront payments (with discounts), monthly installments, or semi-annual payments. Although not featured among the best auto insurance providers, Dairyland extends discounts to customers transferring insurers, particularly those with coverage lapses. It’s important to note that Dairyland doesn’t operate in certain states.


Tips for Finding Affordable Car Insurance After a DUI

  • Plan Ahead
    Auto insurance premiums typically don’t spike immediately after a DUI conviction. Use this time wisely to research and select the best-suited DUI car insurance providers.
  • Comparison Shop
    Regardless of a DUI, regularly comparing quotes from different insurers is crucial for saving money. While companies like USAA and Progressive might offer favorable rates on average, it’s essential to explore multiple options.
  • Raise Deductibles
    Instead of reducing coverage, consider increasing deductibles. Raising your deductible can significantly lower insurance costs, though ensure you can afford the out-of-pocket expenses in case of an accident.
  • Bundle Policies
    Consolidate your insurance policies to potentially qualify for multi-policy discounts. Combining auto and home insurance or insuring multiple vehicles under the same carrier can yield substantial savings.
  • Improve Driving Skills
    Actively work on enhancing your driving skills. Some insurers offer discounts for safe driving habits or participation in defensive driving courses.
  • Financial Responsibility
    Prioritize financial stability post-DUI, ensuring timely payments and debt reduction to maintain a favorable credit score, which affects insurance premiums.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Most Affordable Car Insurance for DUI Offenders?
    State Farm offers the most affordable premiums for DUI offenders, with rates starting at $737 annually for minimal coverage and $1,231 for full coverage policies.
  • Best Insurance Provider for DUI Offenders?
    State Farm stands out as the top choice, offering a balance of cost-effectiveness and customer satisfaction.
  • Impact of DUI on Insurance Costs?
    Expect an average increase of $808 per year in insurance premiums post-DUI conviction.
  • Duration of DUI Impact on Insurance?
    A DUI can lead to escalating insurance costs, policy cancellations, or limitations on coverage, lasting for several years. SR-22 or FR-44 insurance may also be required.


Despite the inevitable surge in insurance premiums following a DUI conviction, affordable options are available, particularly from insurers like State Farm and USAA for military personnel. Remember, various factors beyond driving records influence insurance rates, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures to lower costs. Additionally, explore discounts offered by insurers for additional savings.

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