
CIEE Travel Insurance

CIEE Travel Insurance

Traveling abroad can be an exhilarating experience, but it comes with its share of uncertainties. This is where travel insurance plays a crucial role, and CIEE Travel Insurance stands out as a reliable option for international travelers.

CIEE Travel Insurance

CIEE insurance provides extensive coverage against typical risks to international travelers such as accidents, sudden illness, and more. CIEE Travel Insurance is a comprehensive coverage plan designed to safeguard travelers during their international journeys. Offered by reputable providers, this insurance ensures peace of mind by addressing various travel-related concerns.


Your insurance policy provides extensive coverage against typical risks to international travelers, such as accidents, sudden illnesses and more. Since it is a travel insurance policy for a temporary stay abroad, some limitations and exclusions apply. As a general rule, most accidents and sudden illnesses are covered. The plan does not cover routine doctor visits, regular dental treatment, or any treatment for pre-existing conditions.

Benefits of CIEE Travel Insurance

The advantages of choosing CIEE Travel Insurance extend beyond the obvious. Here are some advantages of CIEE travel insurance:


Emergency Medical Evacuation: up to $75,000.

During your program, if you become ill or have an accident that requires an emergency evacuation, you will receive a benefit up to the maximum amount specified in the Schedule of Coverage section. A “medical evacuation” could include any or all of the following: When both CIEE and your attending physician determine that medical transportation to the closest suitable medical facility is necessary, CIEE will make the necessary arrangements. CIEE will assist with your evacuation home if, following treatment at the local hospital, your attending physician and CIEE determine that it is medically necessary for you to return home in order to receive additional medical attention or to recuperate.

Return of Mortal Remains: up to $30,000.

In the unlikely event that you pass away, CIEE will make arrangements to return your remains home as soon as possible. The Schedule of Coverage will specify the maximum amount that will be paid for reasonable covered expenses. All costs associated with embalming, cremation, a coffin for repatriation, and transportation (but not burial or other disposition costs) are covered when having your remains returned home.

Emergency Reunion: up to $15,000.

CIEE can help make plans for a friend or relative to stay with you if you are in the hospital for seven days or more. This policy will cover all costs associated with making such arrangements, which include reasonable and necessary travel expenses, meals (up to $50 per day), transportation costs, and lodging costs related to the Emergency Reunion.

Emergency Travel Expense: up to $5,000

If the insured person’s mother, father, brother, sister, or grandparent passes away unexpectedly, the company will pay up to $5,000 for the insured person’s round-trip airfare and/or ground transportation expenses to the location of the funeral or other memorial service.


CIEE Travel Insurance Eligibility Criteria

Any person who is active and enrolled in a CIEE program is automatically enrolled in the Ciee travel insurance plan.

Health, Safety, and Security Content Guidelines

Adventure-Seeking Activities

“Extreme” sports are not covered by iNext insurance and CIEE does not condone them. Avoid references to, or images of, extreme sports in your content. Examples include, but are not limited to: skydiving, hang gliding, parachuting, mountaineering, racing, bungee cord jumping, speed contests, scuba diving (unless you are certified), deep sea diving, spelunking or caving, heliskiing, and extreme skiing.

We recommend speaking with CIEE site staff about reputable companies if you choose to participate in any of the above-mentioned adventure-seeking activities. Remember, you are participating at your own risk!

Alcohol and Drugs

Avoid publishing content that suggests abuse (or excessive use) of alcohol. Casual drinks on a table or in the background are acceptable. Illicit drug use or references to such drugs is strictly forbidden.


Avoid any reference to engaging with animals in the wild. It is fine to share if the interaction is in a safe, sanctioned, refuge environment. However, please refrain from pushing boundaries, as they affect our ability to ensure safety abroad.

For additional safety tips, please visit:


In conclusion, CIEE Travel Insurance emerges as a reliable companion for those venturing into the unknown. With its comprehensive coverage, transparent pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction, CIEE stands as a trustworthy choice for travelers seeking financial protection and peace of mind.


1. Is CIEE Travel Insurance suitable for all destinations?

CIEE Travel Insurance provides coverage for a wide range of destinations, but it’s essential to check the specific details for each location.

2. Can I extend my coverage during my trip?

Extensions might be possible, but it’s recommended to clarify this with the insurance provider before your original coverage expires.

3. What documents are required for filing a claim?

Necessary documents may include medical records, receipts, and proof of travel. Consult the insurance provider for a detailed list.

4. Are adventure sports covered by CIEE Travel Insurance?

Coverage for adventure sports varies. Review the policy details to ensure your desired activities are included or consider additional coverage if needed.

5. Is there a waiting period for certain benefits to take effect?

Some benefits may have a waiting period. It’s crucial to be aware of these timelines to plan your coverage effectively.

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